Nationwide Building Society 全英房屋抵押贷款协会 ; 国家建筑协会 ; 全国建筑协会 ; 建房互助协会
Building Society 建房互助协会 ; 建筑社团 ; 建房协会 ; 建筑协会
The Nationwide Building Society 建筑协会
Irish Nationwide Building Society 爱尔兰全国建筑协会 ; 恨人兰天下修修协会 ; 互助协会 ; 修建协会
Co-operative Building Society 建屋合作社
National Building Society 全国建筑协会 ; 英国国家建筑协会 ; 全英房屋抵押贷款协会
Dunfermline Building Society 邓福姆林建房互助会 ; 单干社 ; 林房地产信用合作社
Local Officers' Co-operative Building Society 本地公务员建屋合作社
operative Building Society 本地公务员建屋合作社
If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society.
His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.
HOUSE prices dropped in Britain by another 1.8% last month, according to figures just released by Nationwide, a building society.