同年该机构对英国60个最大金融企业的调查显示,6家银行业、5家建屋互助会 (building societies), 6家保险投资业使用ABC法的平均采用年限为1.8年。
...业银(merchantbanks),贴现机构(discount houses),国外银行的分支.及其它金融机构, 如“建筑协会”(building societies)。:但是根据最新的2000年的《金融服务与市场法》。
利息可能来源于 金融机构,如银行、财务公司、房屋信贷互助会(building societies) 8 或信用合作社。 居民预扣税税率 计算居民预扣税时的税率取决于: 支付或应支付利息的日期 您是否将IRD号提供给支付利息...
Building Societies Association 英国建房互助协会 ; 英国建筑协会
banking & building societies 银行及衡宇协会
the Building Societies Act 1986 年建筑协会法
banks and building societies 银行和衡宇合作协会
Building Societies Commission 房屋互助委员会
University building societies 高校社团建设
the Building Societies Act 年建筑协会法
Cash deposits at Banks and building societies all have scores near to zero.
The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.
该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话, 它将不再提供支持。
In Britain several smaller mutually owned building societies collapsed under the weight of bad bets and were folded into bigger ones.
"We are not backing away. We are going full steam ahead with our programs in Iran and across the region,again in order to create that space for civil societies to actually play the proper role that we would all understand in building more accountable democratic governing institutions,".
VOA: standard.2009.10.28
Savings and Loans are the same as Building Societies, but the idea--the original idea and also the general idea today -is that these are banks set up for small savers in order that they can buy a house.