带有堆积刃(Built-Up-Edge)的连续式切屑: 简称 BUE,对于柔延性高且摩擦系数高的材料而言,在切削过程中,由于甚高的摩擦系数与切屑间的压力,以致于有若干...
built-up edge [机] 积屑瘤 ; [机] 切屑瘤
the built-up edge 称之为积屑瘤
edgy built up edge 楔形积屑瘤
Built-up edge fragments 积屑瘤碎粒
restrain built-up edge and scale 抑制积屑瘤和鳞刺
The ocean floor rock, basalt, along with the sediment that built up on top of it, was drawn down at the edge of an ocean as part of the conveyor-belt mechanism that moves the continents.
An experimental system is built up in which an iodine cell is used as the edge filter. The experimental results were analyzed in detail.
Continuous with a built-up edge. This chip shows the existence of a localized, highly deformed zone of material attached or "welded" on the tool face.