bulk sample 体样 ; 货前样 ; [矿业] 总试样
increment and bulk sample 份样和集样
blended bulk sample 整体混合样 ; [化工] 混合大样
Bulk Sample Mode 样品检测模式
Industrial Bulk Sample Mode 样品检测模式 ; 工业松散质样品检测模式
bulk sample detail 大块样品
full-page proof bulk sample 大样
Bulk sample bathroom detail 卫生间大样详图
The OrderToShipment module contains the bulk of the logic for the sample application.
As shown in Figure 16, the bulk load operation results in two of the sample records being sent to the reject link because they violate the unique primary key constraint.
We regret very much that you shipped bulk goods not corresponding in quality with the sample.