bull calf 公犊 ; 公牛犊 ; 一岁以内的小公牛 ; 小公牛
bull-calf 小公牛 ; 笨蛋
Hols tein bull calf 荷斯坦公犊牛
Wild yak bull calf 家野牦牛公牛
Domestic yak bull calf 家牦牛公牛
The Bull and the Calf 公牛和牛犊 ; 公牛与牛犊
bull-dog calf 犊牛巨犬症
HERDSMAN tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.
In the rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping, bull or bronco riding, and steer wrestling.
A herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.