Bull And Bear Index 多空指标 ; 多空指数
Bull and Bear Concepts 牛熊走势概念
Bull and bear market 牛市和熊市
bull and bear notes 熊市牛市票据
bull and bear markets 牛市与熊市
bull and bear operatio 多头交易与
bull and bear operations 多头交易与空头交易
Bull and Bear Steak House 公牛与熊牛排馆
Has the adviser performed well in bull and bear markets?
Instead, the governing theory of Ed Easterling, head of Crestmont Research in Dallas, is that markets follow secular bull and bear cycles.
不仅如此,根据达拉斯克莱斯蒙研究所(Crestmont Resaerch)所长埃德·伊斯特林(Ed Easterling)的“支配理论”(governing theory),市场遵循的是长期牛市与长期熊市的周期。
Third, dummy variable D_1 was included. The contribution to the earning rate of fund by different market conditions (bull and bear) was considered.