...全球著名快餐连锁品牌汉堡王(BURGER KING)即将上演美味奇迹,向美食先锋精心烹制一款全新概念汉堡美味,首次尝试将新鲜香甜玉米元素融入火烤牛肉汉堡,呈现出两者的绝配组...
所以,饮百事可乐、吃 汉堡包王 ( Burger King ),对不起﹗阁下可能即使有门票都进不了场。衣着也得小心,若阁下与同行者身上T恤的字母可组合成敏感字眼,一样会有问题。
Burger King Worldwide 汉堡王 ; 球公司 ; 全球汉堡王
Challenges of Burger King 汉堡王的奋斗历程 ; 汉堡王的斗争进程
Burger King Holdings Inc 汉堡王 ; 汉堡王公司
Burger King Worldwide Inc 汉堡王环球公司
Burger King Mask 汉堡王面具
Burger King Holdings 汉堡王 ; 汉堡王控股
Burger King Corporation 汉堡王公司
Insta-Burger King 速食汉堡王
In May, a judge ruled in favour of Burger King.
In May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at $7 for eight.
Starbucks has sold rights to its Seattle's Best coffee brand to Burger King, which will start selling it later this year.
Burger King might, but nobody else.
One's from Burger King and one is from KFC, and when I show these to you-- we'll talk a lot about food marketing in the United States, because if you buy the premise that I laid out a few moments ago, that what we consider food and what we consider to taste good is pretty much a total social construction.