BOS是Business Operation System(商业操作系统)的英文简称,商业操作系统这个名字已经说明了它的角色,即要将业务能力(business)和中间件平台(Operation System)连接起来。
...业的ERP,流程企业的MES(Manufa cturing Execut 天龙八部3新头像 ion System),服务行业的业务营业体系(Business Operation System)、服务计费体系( System Billing System)和客户服务体系(Customer Service System)等跟着全球经济一体化的推入,面对日益庞杂的管...
...能模块 在流程企业外部供应链模式和集成模型的层级结构都已确定之后,可定义详细的企业运作系统(BOS,Business Operation System)的功能模块,如图5(其中BPS为计划层——经营计划系统,Business Planning Syst...
基于XML技术的工作流管理系统设计与实现[专业:计算机应用技术] - docin.com豆丁网 ,非常类似于单个计算机上的操作系统,只不过工作流管理系统支撑的范 围比较大、环境比较复杂而已,所以,也有人称工作流管理系统为业务操作系统(Business OperationSystem,BOS)。在工作流管理系统的支撑下,通过集成具体的业务应用软件 和操作人员的界面操作,才能够良好的完成对企业
Business Operation Support System 业务运营支撑系统 ; BOSS系统
cooperative business operation system 合作经营制
operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度
responsibility system in business operation 经营责任制
Business Operation Supported System 业务运行后台管理系统
Business Operation Simulating System 拟系统
IT Business Operation Support System IT业务运营支撑体系
Business analysts, testers, and even customers are often called upon to validate proper system operation by physically interacting with that system and noting their observations.
Second, some enterprises face difficulties in their business operation and the establishment of a modern corporate system would be a long-term task.
The integration of DB2 Cube Views and DB2 Alphablox produces a wonderful report system, which is a great tool for the enterprise to use in understanding the business operation at any moment.
DB 2 Cube Views与DB 2 Alphablox的集成产生了一个非常好的报表系统,该系统是企业用于掌握每时每刻商业运营情况的很优秀的工具。