The legislative body, composed of the highest ranking members of Roman society, passed laws, elected consuls, and oversaw the operations of public administration. Usually the Senate was limited to 300 members, but at various times, dictators were able to swell the numbers up to 600 with their personal supporters.
Programs can register to handle various kinds of signals, but signals can happen at the most inopportune times, including while you're already handling another signal.
The procedure is usually well tolerated, but there is often a feeling of pressure, gassiness, bloating or cramping at various times during the procedure.
That's an idea that struck people intuitively at various times in history, but they didn't know how to do these calculations.
That's an idea that struck people intuitively at various times in history, but they didn't know how to do these calculations.
Hacking believes that there were many gambling theorists who invented probability theory at various times in history but never wrote it down and kept it as a secret.