The Fool: I am ignorant, but I read books. You won't believe it, everything is useful... this pebble for instance.
I am going to read books about bones and muscles, but I am going to write a book about Magic.
I used to read story books but now I like reading comics.
I've read that in some books, but I don't remember where.
"I read books like Freud's book on the analysis of dreams but I realized this is Chris Nolan's dream world.
VOA: standard.2010.07.16
I want to just highlight what's in Chapter 2, because I told you we're not going to cover the details in Chapter 2 in the course, but I give it to you as a resource so that you you might have other books which describe this which you like, and you've read already and so but I'm going to assume that you understand this information to some extent.