... is made of fiction and im following the same这只是想象,但现实中的我仍是没有意义的虚构 but if I try如果我尽力 to make sense of this mess I'm in使我周围的这混乱变得有意义 ...
But if I try to couple it with another command, it fails.
But if I try to make myself read something that I don't really feel like reading, my reading drops off considerably.
But if I try to give a reason for why it makes sense for me to speak here today I would say it's because thinking about the future is what I do for a living.
It doesn't matter if we finish a little bit early, but I want to try to get this game at least started.
I will try to finish every lecture on time, but sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes; there's no need to shuffle your feet and move stuff around.
So the best response for Player 1, as a function of what Player 2 chooses, q2, is just equal to the q1 hat in this expression and if I solve that out carefully, I will no doubt make a mistake, but let's try it.