... Continued from last page 承前页 But The Last Page 却在末页 go to last page read 到最后一页开始 ...
One last thing regarding querystrings: the page should work without the querystrings attached. It may show a different page, but the URL without querystrings should render.
There's a lot of stuff on this page — news headlines, ads, financial data — but I want the stock price data, which is in a table cell next to the cell that contains "Last Trade."
这个页面上有许多材料——新闻标题、广告、财经数据,等等,但是我想要的是股票的价格数据,它放在一个表格单元格中,靠近包含“Last Trade”的单元格。
But when the project was put out to tender last year, Telstra treated the process with contempt, submitting a flimsy, 12-page press release rather than a detailed, formal proposal.
I have to change the prototype of this function to say that swap no longer takes an int per se or another int per se, but rather it takes two pointers, two ints, and in fact, it's on the very last page if you're still flipping.