...But the room was dark; and as she made no answer to his call, he was fain to go back for the lamp. He held it up, and looked round, everywhere, expecting to see her crouching in some corner; but the room was empty. So, into the drawing-room and dining-room he went, in succession, with the uncertain steps of a man in a strange place; looking fearfully about, and prying behind screens and couches; but she was not there. No, nor in the hall, which was so bare that he could see that, at a glance. 可是房间鱼黑洞洞的,他喊她她又没有回答,所以他只好回来拿灯。他把灯举得高高的,仔细观察着四周,指望她蹲伏在什么角落里;可是房间里空无一人。因此,他像一个在陌生地方走路的人那样迈着迟疑不决的步子,走进客厅,接着又走进餐厅,害怕地环视四周,并在屏风与躺椅后面窥视;可是她不在那里;她也不在门厅里,门厅里空荡荡的,他一眼就可以看得清清楚楚。
Except for a small light, the room was dark. But Anna had little trouble in her search.
The lights were off in the bedroom and the door was shut making the room very dark indeed, but still I could see a little bit.
Thee candles themselves were nothing, but as one candle was used to light another in a dark room, the room would grow brighter.