butt weld 对接焊缝 ; 对缝焊接 ; 对焊 ; 对接焊接
butt-weld 对头焊接 ; 平式焊接 ; 碰焊 ; 以对头焊接接合
flash butt weld 闪光焊 ; 闪光对杆 ; 闪光对接焊 ; 闪存对接焊缝
angle butt weld 斜对接焊 ; 斜口对接焊缝 ; 斜也不错接焊
plain butt weld 无坡口对接焊 ; 平边对接焊缝 ; 无坡口对于接焊 ; 平头对接焊缝
continuous butt-weld mill 连续式炉焊管机组
butt weld ends 对头焊接端
butt weld pipe mill 直缝焊管轧机 ; 对焊管机
full penetration butt weld 满对接焊 ; 满也不错接焊
flanged butt weld 弯边对接焊 ; 双弯边对接焊缝
The weld can be divided into four types: butt weld, fillet weld, plug weld and end weld.
Unless otherwise specified, all Pacific valves will be supplied with butt weld ends conforming to ANSI B16.25 either Fig. 2(b) or 3(b) depending on the nominal pipe wall thickness of the valve wall.
除非另外指定,所有美国太平洋阀门都配置符合ANSI B16.25标准的对焊连接端口,并根据阀门壁厚和管道壁厚确定是属于型号2(b)或3(b)。
Weld the outer side member with a full butt weld under shielding gas.