...新鲜的或熟化的、固体或半固体食品,由以下方法制备: a以全脂奶,脱脂奶,部分脱脂奶,稀奶油,乳清稀奶油,或酪乳(buttermilk),或者是以上述物质的各种组合物,作为原料;经过皱胃酶或者其它适用的凝结剂的作用而得到凝乳;并且将其中的部分乳清排除; ...
发酵奶制品(英文为Fermented Milk Procucts) 大致分为三类: 白脱牛奶(buttermilk),是一种经过细菌培养,或酸化处理过的脱脂鲜牛奶.有 .
Buttermilk scones 牛奶松饼
buttermilk powder 酪乳粉 ; 奶酪粉 ; 奶汁食品粉 ; 奶油牛奶粉
buttermilk skin 小牛皮
Buttermilk Soap 润肤皂 ; 奶油牛奶润肤皂
dry buttermilk 脱脂奶粉
cultured buttermilk 发酵奶油乳 ; 发酵酪乳 ; 发酵过的酪乳
Buttermilk Lotion 奶酪婴儿液 ; 奶油牛奶润肤乳液 ; 润肤乳
Buttermilk Bath 奶油牛奶沐浴粉 ; 婴儿奶酪浸浴粉 ; 牛奶沐浴粉
Bulgarian buttermilk 保加利亚酪乳 ; 保家利亚酪乳
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Buttermilk is the liquid that remains when fat has been removed from cream when butter is being made. You can drink buttermilk or use it in cooking. 脱脂牛奶
Buttermilk is a by-product of making butter.
During a holi, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in the street.
Waters and a large team of colleagues describe the collection of artifacts, dubbed the Buttermilk Creek Complex, in the March 25 Science.
Then when that fighting starts, they oughta feed you on buttermilk and black-eyed peas and let you break wind!"