by Luck Star 雪纷飞
by luck 侥幸地 ; 侥幸
Luck by Chance 幸运机会 ; 偶然运气 ; 偶然运气专辑
All by luck 全凭侥幸
All l by luck 全凭侥幸
and not by luck laurels 不因幸运而固步自封
by good luck 侥幸地 ; 幸亏 ; 刚巧
Stuck by Luck 我被幸运困住了
by ill luck 不巧
He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement.
Success does not come by luck but through specific actions on our parts.
The winners were those who — by luck or design — had borrowed heavily from Banks to buy hard assets, or industrial conglomerates that had issued debentures.