pass by value 传值 ; 值传递 ; 传递的
pass-by-value 值传递 ; 按值传递
Pass-by-reference or Pass-by-value 援用传递照样值传递
Page Pass By Value Technical 页面传值技术
The Object Request Broker (ORB) pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request.
Object Request Broker (ORB) 通过引用传递选项确定,在处理 EJB 请求中涉及的参数对象时应该使用通过引用传递还是通过值传递语义。
Providing a copy of the content is similar to using "pass by value."
提供内容的一个副本与使用“通过值传递(pass by value)”很相似。
You can improve the value of your business processes asset by importing the WebSphere business Modeler models into Rational Software Architect to pass the knowledge to your development team.
您可以通过将WebSphere Business Modeler模型导入到Rational Soft ware Architect之中,将知识传递到您的开发团队,从而提高业务处理过程资产的价值。