design-by-analogy 类比设计
design by analogy 类比设计
argument by analogy 类推论证
Learning by analogy 类比学习
response by analogy 类比反应
simplify by analogy 类推简化
associate by analogy 类比联想
By analogy, memes also get replicated and in the process pass on cultural information from person to person, generation to generation.
He explained the subject by analogy.
Well, let me just mention it by analogy.
If you look at Greece in this period, I don't know if I've used this term before, but some scholars refer to this general period we're talking about as the Greek renaissance by analogy to the renaissance in Italy.
du/dV under constant temperature was equal to zero for an ideal gas. And by analogy, we expect the same thing to be true here, because enthalpy and energy have all this analogy going on here. So let's look at an ideal gas.