Pay By The Hour 计时取酬 ; 计时付酬 ; 计时工资
be paid by the hour 按小时发工资 ; 按小时付酬 ; 按小时发人为
work by the hour 按时计工
power by the hour 包修合同
get paid by the hour 按小时支付酬劳 ; 按小时付费 ; 记时得到报酬
calculated by the hour 按钟点计算的
by the hour together 连续几小时
By The Hour That 按小时计费那个
payment by the hour 计时工资
Wade was going to be paid a salary, instead of by the hour, whether he put in forty hours or not.
You usually get paid by the hour
He is doing 100 miles an hour down the Mass Pike and gets pulled over by a State Trooper.
Well partly this is just for fun-- this is what computer people sometimes do, intentionally or unintentionally but as also will see a really nice way to culminate the semester and frankly carve out a 10 hour block where you can bite off your final project's implementation surrounded by friends and the course's staff.