它是个很好的体育运动 » It was a good sport 到点名的时间了 » By the time the Division 她将在我最新的戏里出演医生的角色 » In my latest play she appeared in the doctor's role ..
That's what Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner (parent company of Fortune), wants to know by offering up the Dark Knight for viewing on the movie's Facebook fan page.
时代华纳公司(Time Warner,《财富》的母公司)旗下的华纳兄弟电影公司(Warner Brothers)很想知道这个问题的答案。该公司最近在该电影的Facebook影迷页上推出了《黑暗骑士》(the Dark Knight)以供观看。
It was by using these methods of mass production — the assembly line, division of labor and standardized parts — that Henry Ford produced the cheapest cars of his time in the world.
Dispersion-managed soliton interaction is investigated in an optical time-division multiplexed system with random dispersion map by the variational approach and the numerical simulation.