First, Mr Mugabe turned up with 22 ministers, whereas the agreement generously gave him 15 cabinet posts to the MDC’s 13, with a small opposition group led by Arthur Mutambara getting three.
穆加贝先生起初要求拥有22个部长名额,但协议最终慷慨地给予他15个内阁名额,而MDC只有13个。 一个由Arthur Mutambara领导的小反对团体获得3席。
Only Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, is left from a group that included cabinet ministers such as Michael Heseltine and Chris Patten.
First, Mr Mugabe turned up with 22 ministers, whereas the agreement generously gave him 15 cabinet posts to the MDC's 13, with a small opposition group led by Arthur Mutambara getting three.
穆加贝先生起初要求拥有22个部长名额,但协议最终慷慨地给予他15个内阁名额,而MDC只有13个。一个由Arthur Mutambara领导的小反对团体获得3席。