Cable stayed-suspension bridge 悬吊混合体系桥
cable stayed suspension bridge 斜拉悬吊协作体系桥
cable-stayed suspension bridge 斜拉
combined cable stayed suspension bridge 吊拉组合桥
combined cable-stayed suspension bridge 吊拉组合索桥
Self-anchored Cable-stayed Suspension Bridge 自锚式斜拉悬索协作体系
self-anchored cable-stayed-suspension bridge 自锚式斜拉
Self-anchored combined cable-stayed suspension bridge 自锚式吊拉组合桥
If you look to the east, you can see the Yangpu bridge, which is the longest cable-stayed suspension bridge in China.
The rational cable force of self-anchored suspension bridge can be researched by the methods being used in optimizing the cable force of cable-stayed bridge.
A comparison of steel deck weights indicates that the cable-stayed bridge again fills the void between the continuous girder and suspension Bridges.