定义 中文名称: 煅制 英文名称: calcining 定义: 将净药材置耐火的容器内或直接安置无烟炉火(或煅药炉)上高温烧煅,使其烈性降低、质地酥脆、易于粉碎的炮制方法。 应用学科: 中医药学(一级学科); bai
calcining kiln 焙烧窑 ; 煅烧窑 ; 煆烧窑 ; 煅烧炉
calcining zone 煅烧带 ; 煅烧区 ; 分解带 ; 焼成帯
calcining furnace 煅烧炉 ; 焙烧炉
calcining heat 煅烧温度 ; 燃烧温度
calcining openly 明煅 ; 明煆 ; 明虾
rotary calcining kiln 回转煅烧窑 ; 旋转煅烧窑
V to heat (a substance) so that it is oxidized, reduced, or loses water 烧成石灰; 煅烧
It is shown that the combined burner could meet the demand of cement calcining.
The optimized calcining additive ratio improving the performance of fiber grade is also inspected.
The carbonate from calcium carbonate, if not removed by calcining may cause foaming in the reactors.