calcium acid phosphate 膨松剂 ; 食物增补剂 ; 营养剂 ; 鳞酸酸钙〔缓衡剂
Acid calcium phosphate 磷酸二氢钙 ; [无化] 酸性磷酸钙 ; 磷酸氢钙〔营养增补剂 ; 磷酸氢钙
calcium acid phosphate cement 酸钙骨水泥
Acid phosphate Calcium superphosphate 过磷酸钙
calcium phosphate acid 酸式磷酸钙
Phosphatic fertilzers are all derived from calcium salts of phosphoric acid and these are found as raw bones apatite and phosphate rock.
Pseudogout is sometimes confused with gout because the symptoms are similar; however, it is caused by calcium phosphate, not uric acid.
Particles comprising a core of calcium phosphate nanoparticles, a biomolecule and a bile acid, methods of manufacturing, therapeutic use thereof.