calcium overload 钙超载 ; 钙超负荷 ; 钙
Pathogenesis of calcium overload 钙超载的机制
intracellular calcium overload 胞内钙超载
calcium overload blockers 钙超负荷阻滞剂
cell calcium overload 细胞钙超负荷
calcium overload model 钙超载模型
myocyte calcium overload 细胞内钙离子浓度
Calcium overload is the final pathway of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury, but the concrete mechanism needs further research.
Being used prophylactically, nimodipine can prevent or relieve calcium overload, and can also protect membrane pump activities of cell membrane.
Conclusion: the calcium overload and free radical injury were correlated with brain ischemia reperfusion injury in the aged rats.