钙结合蛋白(Calcium binding protein,CaBP)是一组具有“EFhand”保守结构的酸性蛋白超家族,在细胞内以多拷贝形式存在,并与钙离子高选择亲合性...
维生素D知识 的蛋白质输送至靶组织(如小肠、骨、肾等),在这些组织中既有1,25(oh)2d3的受体,又有需要vd的钙结合蛋白(calcium binding protein,cabp),说明1,25(oh)2d3的影响。最近,报道胰脏内有1,25(oh)2d3及cabp,二者均存在于
(三) 活性维生素D [1,25(OH)2D3]1,25(OH)2D3促进钙结合蛋白(calcium binding protein,CaBP)生成,增加肠钙吸收.活性维生素D缺乏(可伴有血清钙下降)导致骨盐动员加速,骨吸收增强.
Vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein 维生素D依赖性钙结合蛋白
CaBP calcium binding protein 钙结合蛋白
kD calcium-binding protein kD钙结合蛋白
calcium-binding protein 钙结合蛋白
11S Calcium-binding protein 钙结合11S蛋白
neo calcium binding protein 新钙结合蛋白
skin calcium binding protein 皮肤钙结合蛋白
8kDa Calcium binding protein kDa钙结合蛋白
S100 calcium binding protein 钙结合蛋白A
S100B is a class of acid calcium-binding protein. It mainly exists in neuroglial cells in the central nervous system, and it is one of the signs of astrocyte activation.
S100 B是一类酸性钙结合蛋白,在中枢神经系统中主要存在于胶质细胞,是星形胶质细胞活化的标志之一。
The function of calcium-binding protein to improving the crispness of freezing pre-fried microwavable spring roll was studied.
Objective To sub-clone and express the gene encoding Schistosoma japonicum calcium-binding protein (SJE16) and study its immunological response.
目的 亚克隆和表达日本血吸虫钙结合蛋白SjE16的编码基因,初步研究其免疫反应性。