地板辐射采暖设计专业论文发表|期刊天空网 关键词] 地板辐射供暖设计;热负荷计算;管道选择。 [gap=382]Key words: radiant floor heating design; calculation of thermal load; pipeline selection
According to the thermal load of fresh keeping and cooling in fishing ship Z6170 and extra heat calculation of diesel engine's tail gas, we have designed Adsorption cooling System with two beds.
本课题根据对Z 6170型渔船的保鲜制冷热负荷的计算及其柴油发动机的尾气余热指标,设计了双床吸附式制冷系统。
Use several kinds of thermal calculation methods of boiler's furnace, and calculate the outlet flue gas temperature of a low load of some supercharged boiler.
Online calculation of heat to power output efficiency of thermal generator set is important for the load coordination control in the CFB boiler thermal generator set.