本教程展示了对于如何通过EventKit访问和使用存储在日历数据库(Calendar Database)中的日历(Calendars)、日历事件(CalendarEvents)和提醒的概述。
... 口味月历 season cooking 月历桌布 Calendars ; Wallpaper 桌面月历 Pure Grid calendar widget ...
Congressional Calendars 国会大事表 ; 国会小事表
Bubble Calendars 泡泡日历 ; 暂缺货
Felt calendars 呢毯轧光机 ; 老西整理
Date & Calendars 日期与月历
Google Calendars 两大谷歌日历客户端
Calendars in stone 石圈反映了季节的变换
sync these calendars 选择日历
Resource calendars 资源日历 ; 资源行事历
Tear-off calendars 撕页日历
"I have you on my calendar for next Monday"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days. 日历
There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.
N-COUNT A calendar is a particular system for dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks, often starting from a particular point in history. 历法
The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.
N-COUNT You can use calendar to refer to a series or list of events and activities which take place on particular dates, and which are important for a particular organization, community, or person. 日程表
It is one of the hottest tickets on Washington's social calendar.
Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.
You probably use all different kinds of calendars.
Some have the Ten Commandments, calendars or the multiplication table on them.
His illustrations appeared in advertisements, on calendars and most notably on magazine covers.
VOA: standard.2010.08.09
It turns out there are hundreds of Google calendars floating around campus, for student groups, for departments, for special events and the like.
And so if incidentally, you're a representative of a student group and the alike and your Google calendar is not -- in here, you can check just by flipping through the various-- we have over 200 calendars right now and you can search through them here.