california employment development department
加州就业发展局(California Employment Development Department)公布经季节性调整后的数据,湾区9月增加2900份工作,远低于8月时增加的1万4900份工作。
...,通过平等委员会之审核后,将发给许可证以张贴于每一商业营运处所。 f. 加州就业发展局之简介:加州就业发展局(CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT)负责提供与就业有关之资讯,帮助雇主觅得合格合适的员工。按加州所得税法及失业保险条例,每一公司均须向就业发展局登记,该局并...
奥黛丽·芮妮·贝尔(Audrey Renee Bell)就职于加州就业发展部(California Employment Development Department),主要处理残疾保险索赔案。
california employment development department
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
But in the past two years manufacturing has been rising, mostly due to growth in the tech sector: a net increase of 7, 300 jobs, up 4.8%, in the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara metropolitan area (the heart of Silicon Valley) from April 2010 to April 2012, according to the California Employment Development Department.
FORBES: Made In Silicon Valley