北大毕业科班出身的姚锦清教授仅仅在两年前还在渥太华担任中华导报(Canada China News)的社长兼总编。自从1995年办报以来他就将所有的心血都倾注到了这份报纸上,经过多年不懈的努力,使得这份报纸的发行量位居中国大...
The United States, European Union and Canada have reached an agreement with China to loosen controls on financial news providers following a complaint at the World Trade Organization.
China news agency, Vancouver, July 1 (Yin Lin) - An AIDS vaccine has been adopted in Canada, animal safety testing, the researchers are awaiting approval to start human testing in the United States.
中新社温哥华七月一日电 (尹琳)一种艾滋病疫苗已经在加拿大通过了动物安全性测试,研究者们正等待批准开始在美国进行人类测试。