... (用甘蔗榨汁熬成的糖) cane sugar; sugar; saccharum; table sugar 蔗糖厂 cane mill; 蔗糖酶 invertase; invertin; saccharase; sucrase; ...
three-roller cane mill 三辊式甘蔗榨汁机
roller cane mill 三辊式甘蔗榨汁机
sugar cane mill 新型甘蔗压榨机
cane grinding mill 甘蔗辊压机
cane sugar mill 甘蔗糖厂
They have found a main reason of poor abrasion resistance of the first cane mill roller is due to its poor casting quality during melting and casting.
The harvester slices the cane into 20cm chunks and regurgitates them into a 30-tonne trailer moving alongside that will lug them a few kilometres to the Costa Pinto mill (pictured).
收割机将甘蔗切成两公分厚的长条,再将这些长条送进一辆辆沿外围行驶中的叁十吨拖车,拖车将它们拉往几公里外的Costa Pinto工厂(如图)。
The wearability of mill roller and ability of cane feeding can be improved by this method. This method is easy to use in practice.