abstract:El Cantar de Myo Çid (El Poema de Myo Çid or Mio Cid, literally The Song of my Cid), also known in English as The Poem of the Cid is the oldest preserved Castilian epic poem (epopeya).Penguin Classics, "The Poem of the Cid: A Bilingual Edition with Parallel Text", 1975, Translated by Rita Hamilton, "1/5/2010 Based on a true story, it tells of the Castilian hero El Cid], and takes place during the [[Reconquista, or reconquest of Spain from the Moors.
Hesaid: Weassume thatapropositionis absolutelyimitatethenaturalperson who, when he see the "CantarDE Mio Cid" and the performanceswill surely ask: "how?"