上述理论相似,公司能力理论(Capabilities theory of the firm)认为公司需要从外部获得互补性 的知识(Langlois,1992),Florida 和Kenney(1994)强调的各国企业技术的异质性与路径 依赖特点...
The basic questions of Resource Based Theory, and more recently Dynamic Capabilities and Real Options Theories of the Firm.
The competence theory focuses on the internal resources or capabilities of the firms, compared with the theories focusing on the product-market analysis of a firm.
Abstract : As environments become increasingly complex, the theory of dynamic capabilities considers that a firm could adopt learning-orientated strategy for performance sustainability.
摘要 动态能力理论认为环境复杂性导致更多的企业采取学习导向战略改进现有能力获得绩效的持续提升。