...最大蒸发量 maximum evaporation ; maximum evaporative capacity ; Capacity evaporative 锅炉额定蒸发量 boiler rated evaporating capacity ; boiler rating 蒸发皿蒸发量 pan evaporation ..
evaporative capacity [气象] [化工] 蒸发能力 ; 蒸发容量
maximum evaporative capacity 最大出汗能力 ; 最大蒸发量
maximum m evaporative capacity 最大出汗能力
evaporative water capacity 蒸水能力
The results showed that soil evaporative capacity of walnut forest land was positive correlation to average temperature of month.
The characteristics of evaporative cooling technology as well as multifunction testing stand of large-capacity are described in this paper.
Combining with both the domestic and foreign standards, the Cooling Capacity Rating Parameters and Its Measurement Methods for Evaporative Air Coolers Were Analyzed and Discussed.