...f largest washing )440mm清洗水泵功率(Wash the power of the water pump )1.1KW主水箱容量 (Capacity of the water tank)23L每篮耗水量(Amount of water consumed of every basket)3L水箱加热器功率(Power of the water tank heater)2KW漂洗加热器...
The PAN-1 high effective flocculant not only raised the capacity of settling tank in sintering process, but also lowered overflow suspensions and reduced water into the process.
The type and capacity choice of sea water washing heater is very important to guarantee the tank washing sea water reaching enough temperature.
The expansion water tank assembly has good structural strength, high pressure endurance capacity and reliable sealing quality, and does not cause leakage of cooling fluid.
本实用新型结构强度好,耐压能 力强,密封质量可靠,不会造成冷却液泄漏。