...t open- ness),也称为资本账户可兑换(capital ac- count convertibility)或者资本账户自由化 (capital account liberalization),绝大多数学者没有对它们加以区分,其实它们的侧重点是有所不..
the capital account liberalization 资本项目自由化
Full capital account liberalization 资本项目的完全放开
capital account process of liberalization 资本项目自由化
liberalization of capital account 资本账户自由化
orderly liberalization of capital account 实现资本账户有秩序的自由化
Our assessment of the agenda is confined to the effectsof two policies: removing restrictions on the movement of capital across acountry's borders (so-calledcapital account liberalization);
Capital account liberalization leads to greater capital accumulation, higher employment and technology transfer, but also causes volatility, current capital account deficits and high inflation.
Financial Liberalization if not equal to the opening of capital account under the WTO.