cardiovascular research center
cardiovascular regulating center 心脏血管调节中枢 Cardiovascular Research Center 心血管研究中心 Basic cardiovascular center 基本心血管中枢 ..
cardiovascular research center
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The connection between cholesterol and cardiovascular disease is by now so well established that inflammatory markers like CRP, while they may prove useful to test and treat, will not take the place of cholesterol any time soon, says Alan Daugherty, PhD, the director of the Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Kentucky.
CNN: The cholesterol-inflammation connection
"I think it's unlikely that further barking up the tree of LDL is going to show a substantial benefit, " says Allen Taylor, chief of cardiovascular research at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
FORBES: Can Good Cholesterol Cure Big Pharma?
"I wouldn't be surprised if COURAGE, as designed, is a negative trial, " Gregg Stone, director of cardiovascular research and education at Columbia University Medical Center, said two weeks ago.
FORBES: Magazine Article