关键词: GNSS ;接收机;载噪比估计 中图法分类号: P228.41 载噪比( carrier-to-noise ratio , CNR )是 GNSS 接收机中重要的输出统计量之一,每个跟踪通道的 载噪比反映本通道跟踪信号的强度。
carrier-noise ratio 载波噪声比 carrier-to-noise ratio 载波杂讯比; 载波杂音比; 载波噪声比,载噪比; 载噪比 carrier-to-noise-density ratio 载波噪音密度比 .
...光学记录材料,不但可配合高密度记录媒体所使用的较短波长的雷射光,且具有高反射率及高载波信号噪声比(carrier-to-noise ratio,CNR),如此一来进一步提高了高密度记录媒体的记录感度及读取特性。 主权项 1.
CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比
cnr carrier-to-noise ratio 载噪比
carrier to noise ratio meter 载波噪声比测试器
carrier to noise ratio 载波噪声比 ; 载波信噪比
Carrier-to-Noise Ratio CNR 载噪比
carrier to noise ratio CNR 载噪比
Composite Carrier-to-Noise ratio 成组合载噪比
N Carrier to Noise Ratio 载波噪声比
以上来源于: WordNet
Under a certain deliver distance and the light power, the different sub-carries number to exist a best optical modulation index, making the system's carrier-to-noise ratio biggest.
But to the CW pulse signal with changing carrier wave frequency, common filter cannot achieve narrowband filter, whereas broadband filter cannot reach the request of the signal-noise ratio.
From signal to noise ratio analysis of the modulation signal, we choose the phase modulation method as the suitable carrier modulation for the twisted-pair.