the coefficient of load case 工况影响系数
What this means is that boats can dock outside this kind of big warehouses and can unload or, depending on the case, load goods.
You reap the benefits of clustering and load balancing from one single installation of the server, improving scalability and ensuring high availability in case one instance crashes or hangs.
In the case of IIOP load balancer, the requirement was that the orb should be able to provide its remote clients the ability to failover to other cluster members when a failure occurs.
在IIOP负载平衡的情况下,需求如下:当一个失败产生时,or b应该让其远程客户端对集群中的其他成员也产生失败的结果。
What this means is that boats can dock outside these kind of big warehouses and can unload or, depending on the case, load goods.
You load them into the top of a gel and a gel is - in this case it's synthetic polymer gel but it looks very much like Jell-O.