银行存款(Cash in bank)是指企业存放在银行和其他金融机构的货币资金。按照国家现金管理和结算制度的规定,每个企业都要在银行开立账户,称为结算户存款...
Other city Cash in bank 外埠存款 ; 外地存款 ; 外地贷款 ; 擩
public finance-cash in bank 财政性存款
cash in bank-special deposit [金融] 专项存款
cash in bank-special funds 专项基金存款
Cash in bank Bank Deposit 银行存款
cash in the bank 银行存款
Cash in bank ­ 银行存款
cash in bank journal 银行存款日记账
Consisting of cash on hand, cash in bank, revolving funds and petty cash, but cash that is either restricted to be used only for specified purposes or by regulation or contracts is excluded.
Can you cash reputation in a bank?
They have cash in the bank, positive cash flow, they have always understood what enterprises want from the Net and now they can make more aggressive moves in SaaS.
But I was not worried because I still have more than half of the cash in my bank account.