- ;伤亡事故(Casualty Accident)伤亡事故是指职工在劳动过程中发生的人身伤害、急性中毒事故,包括职工在本岗位劳动,或虽不在本岗位劳动,但由于企业的设备或设施不...
casualty accident insurance 意外伤害保险
drop casualty accident 坠落伤亡事故
Mine casualty accident 煤矿伤亡事故
casualty accident analyses 伤亡事故分析
forecast of casualty accident 伤亡事故预测
accident casualty 事故伤亡
traffic accident casualty 交通意外伤亡者
accident casualty statistics 事故伤亡统计
traffic c accident casualty 交通意外伤亡者
Is there any serious injury or casualty accident happened in the company during the last 3 years?
The way leading to occurrence of drop casualty accident from hanger is discovered and some preventive measures are put forward.
The coal mine gas explosion accident is the most serious casualty accident of mine, and preventing the gas accident is the most important work in the coal production enterprise.