Caustic soda [无化] 烧碱 ; [无化] 苛性钠 ; 氢氧化钠 ; 哥士的
Caustic Soda Flakes 苛性苏打 ; 片碱 ; 苛性苏打薄片 ; 苛性钠
caustic soda cell 苛性钠电池 ; 苛性纳电池 ; 苛性苏打电池 ; 钠碱电池
CAUSTIC SODA SOLID 固体苛性钠 ; 片碱 ; 固碱 ; 苛性钠
caustic soda liquid 液碱 ; 液体苛性钠 ; 常年大量供应液碱 ; 瑞士采购氢氧化钠
caustic soda crepe 烧碱泡泡纱
caustic soda in pearl 粒碱 ; 氢氧化钠 ; 苛性钠
Caustic Soda Prills 苛性钠 ; 苛性钠颗粒
CAUSTIC SODA LYE 苛性苏打碱水 ; 烧碱
Hydrogen peroxide or caustic soda can also be used to kill bacteria, but it pollutes the water and harms plants, says ms Mehra.
The process was discovered by John Mercer in 1850 when he noticed that cotton undergoes a general swelling and shrinking when it is treated with caustic soda solution.
The experiments demonstrate that this is a new method of production, It will in a certain sense improve the process of manufacturing pure sodium and caustic soda.