CD-ROM Drive 光驱启动 ; 光盘驱动器 ; 唯读光碟机 ; 光碟驱动器
ATAPI CD-ROM Drive 或光驱 ; 光驱
Virtual CD-ROM drive 虚拟光驱
Internal CD ROM Drive 内部的CD
Onboard or USB CD-Rom Drive 机载或
CD-ROM drive shell 光驱外壳
Recordable CD-ROM drive 可刻录光驱
CD-ROM DVD-ROM Drive 只读光驱
To use this software, you don't need a CD-ROM drive or any expensive add-ons for your computer.
You can share his or her CD-ROM drive as well.
To construct a screensaver, the best way is to configure it with a virtual CD-ROM drive, keyboard, screen, and mouse, but without any virtual disks or network adapter.