食品。 中文名 丸子 英文名 Cecils 主要食材 肉馅,葱,姜,蒜 分 类 大众菜 口 味 咸鲜 适应人群 所有人 目录 1 基本信息 2 基本解释 3 引证解释 4 做法与吃法 5 与丸
Cecils College 肉丸子学院
以上来源于: WordNet
But has the Cecils' innate sense of caution led Mr Loades, an expert on Tudor England, to give a rather less passionate account of history than Mr Carroll?
For a view of the Cecils as contemporaries of the Guises, it is worth turning to the definitive work by David Loades, recently brought out in Britain in paperback.