...号通路: 组成:受体、调节蛋白和磷脂酶C 第二信使:DG 和IP 3 三、细胞表面抗原及作用: 细胞表面抗原(cell surface antigen):人体的细胞表面抗原种类繁多 主要的细胞表面抗原有: ABO 血型抗原:临床输血要以同型为原则 人类白细胞抗原(human leucocyte...
gross cell surface antigen 格罗斯细胞表面抗原
tumour-cell surface antigen 肿瘤细胞表面抗原
T cell surface antigen T细胞表面抗原
CSA cell surface antigen 细胞表面抗原
islet cell surface antigen 胰岛细胞表面抗体
transitional cell surface antigen 移行性上皮细胞表面抗原
viral cell surface antigen 细胞表面簿抗原 ; 细胞表面病毒抗原
tumor associated cell surface antigen 肿瘤相关的细胞表面抗原 ; 肿瘤相关细胞表面抗原
Primary antibody binds to cell surface antigen.
The electrical conductance signal showed correlation with cell surface antigen.
Secondly, based on the key disease-associated genes, proteins, and cell surface antigen molecules in the pathogenesis of HM, new anti-HM drugs such as target antibody can be designed.
They might ingest extracellular antigen, presented pieces of it on their cell surface in the context of MHC-2.
Yeast cells were grown in large numbers with this plasmid inside, they expressed the plasmid and so you made Hepatitis B surface antigen not in people but in cell culture where it was not normally formed.