细菌对革兰氏染色的不同反应,是由于它们细胞壁(cell wall)的成分和结构不同而造成的。革兰氏阳性细菌的细胞壁(cell wall)主要是由肽聚糖形成的网状结构组成的,在染色过程中,当用乙醇处理时,由于脱水而引起网状结构中的孔径变小,通透性降低,使结晶...
... curtain wall 幕墙 ; 护墙 ; 玻璃幕墙 ; 帘墙 cell wall 细胞壁 ; 格式壁 ; 来电秘书 ; 细胞璧 Great Wall 长城 ; 万里长城 ; 长城显示器 ; 长城汽车 ...
primary cell wall 初生细胞壁 ; 初生壁 ; 初生胸壁
secondary cell wall 次生壁 ; [植] 次生细胞壁 ; 细胞初生壁表面增大停止后
cell wall lignin 细胞壁木素
cell wall thickness 细胞壁厚度
plant cell wall 植物细胞壁
Yeast cell wall 酵母细胞壁 ; 食品级酵母细胞壁
bacterial cell wall 细菌细胞壁 ; 细胞壁
cell wall substance [木] 胞壁物质
cell wall check 胞壁开裂 ; 细胞裂缝
The structural model of cell wall components of wood treated by glycerin was built.
参考来源 - 甘油预处理固定杨木压缩变形机理及应用Plant protoplast is the exposed cell wrapped by plasma membrane whose cell wall is removed.
参考来源 - 拟南芥原生质体诱导愈伤组织的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the outer layer of a cell, esp the structure in plant cells that consists of cellulose, lignin, etc, and gives mechanical support to the cell 细胞壁
Again, the good storage and cell wall molecules of red and brown algae are different.
Oligosaccharins are fragments of the cell wall released by enzymes: different enzymes release different oligosaccharins.
There are indications that pleiotropic plant hormones may actually function by activating the enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical messengers from the cell wall.