cellular material [高分子] 微孔材料 ; 多孔材料 ; 细胞物质 ; 微孔资料
Their own cellular material 自身的细胞物质
Its own cellular material 自身的细胞物质
fibrous cellular material 维细胞材料
inflammatory alteration cellular material 细胞成份的炎症性改变
cellular insulant material 多孔绝缘材料
cellular porous material 细胞状多孔材料
Cellular adhesion material 细胞粘附分子
cellular insulating material 多孔绝缘材料
cellular r material 微孔材料
Combine this with the possibility of tailoring the architecture of the micro-lattice and you have a unique cellular material.
Previous research has shown that many cells, including cancer cells, communicate directly with one another by emitting tiny bubbles of cellular material called microvesicles.
These patterns of gene expression are governed by the cellular material - the epigenome - that sits on top of the genome, just outside it (hence the prefix epi -, which means above).
基因表达模式(patterns of gene expression)受细胞物质外基因所控。外基因,高于基因,通俗点说,基因之外(前缀epi -,意即上面)。