矾土基均质料与抽尘粉在水泥窑用浇注料的应用_99期刊网,职称论文发表 关键词:矾土基均质料,抽尘粉, 浇注料,水泥窑 [gap=830]Keywords:bauxite-based homogenized grogs,dust collected,castable,cement kiln
rotary cement kiln 水泥回转窑 ; 水泥旋转窑
Cement kiln dust 水泥窑灰 ; [环境] 水泥窑粉尘 ; 窑灰钾肥 ; 或水泥窑
cement kiln hood 水泥窑罩 ; 水泥鎗
Guimo brick for cement kiln 水泥窑用硅莫砖
vertical cement kiln plant 立窑水泥厂
sp type cement kiln sp型水泥窑
horizontal cement kiln 卧式水泥窑
wet-fed cement kiln 湿式给料水泥回转窑
以上来源于: WordNet
The shortcomings of common magnesia chrome brick used in cement kiln have been analyzed.
The development and application results of refractory castable for cement kiln have been introduced.
Ash of cement kiln is the byproduct during manufacture of cement, it contain much potassium and aluminum.