每个公约参与国都设有中央机构(Central Authority),以确保符合被领养孩童的最大利益和生身父母(如健在)的自由意愿,及确保养父母符合领养条件并可以被养父母所在国接纳。
... approving authority 核准机关,能够批准军事法庭判决的复审机关,军事审核权 central authority 中央的权力 certain authority 一定权力 ...
Central Electricity Authority 印度中央电力局 ; 电力管理局 ; 中央电力管理局 ; 印度国家电力局
the central authority 中央权威的
central authority minister 枢密使
Transitional Central Authority 过渡中央权力机构
local and central authority 地方与中央
concept of central authority 中央意识
Central Authority Guardianship Systematically 中央监护系统
central governing authority 中央主管机关
以上来源于: WordNet
There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.
Because keygen USES the secret master key, only the central authority can do keygen.
To get those keys, the device's manufacturer needs the help of the central authority, because only the central authority can do keygen to determine the device's private key.
In terms of why universities need Muslim chaplains, when I was at NYU as an undergrad, we had no central authority to figure.
So, I want to stress the sense of natural development, not some kind of a central authority making a decision about anything.
In the case of Leviathan, I would suggest to you, Hobbes' central question is, ? what makes authority possible?