...的口碑,同时也带来了更大的商机,7月份东信和平在印度银行卡市场又有新斩获:7月20日公司与印度中央银行(Central Bank of India) 一举签订了100万张MasterCard ATM卡的供货合同。此举标志着东信和平在海外市场的银行卡领域拓展过程中又迈出了稳健的一步。
It now falls to the Reserve bank of India (RBI), the central bank, to stop inflation expectations rising. The RBI has promised to "act decisively, effectively and swiftly".
阻止通涨预期的上涨的重任落在了中央银行——RBI(印度储备银行),R BI已经许诺“果断,有效,迅速采取措施予以应对”。
Meanwhile, the Reserve bank of India, the central bank, frowns upon using bank loans to fund takeovers, so they rarely happen.
The experience of 1991, when India ran out of money, has left the central bank prone to caution — an approach it felt was vindicated by the East Asian crisis of 1997-98.
1991年印度用完外汇储备的经历使中央银行倾向于谨慎方式—1997 - 98年的东亚危机证实了这种方式的正确性。